Almonds Blossom in Deir Yassin

Dunya’s world premiere of a new play

By Hanna Eady

Feb 19 — March 15

8:00 PM — 9:40 PM

Cherry Street Village

720 25th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122

This play delves into the theme of Palestinian collective memory at the location of the tragically massacred Palestinian village, now occupied by an Israeli mental institution. The play emphasizes the significance of remembrance, storytelling, and resilience, reflecting the essence of Palestinian sumud, or steadfastness. Through its surreal narrative with four characters, the play challenges the silence surrounding historical truths and the preservation of collective memory.

It’s the story of Amal – which means hope – and a dreaming of the return to Amal’s birth ground, in the pile of the dead, rising up in the form of new life. A stunningly relevant play about memory, atrocity, displacement and, yes, even hope.