Hanna Eady

Hanna Eady grew up as a Palestinian in what is now Israel. He came to Seattle for graduate school in directing, returning home to work with Palestinian theatre companies, including the one he founded in his native village Buqayah, where he wrote his first play Art and Politics. Founder of the first theater at his native village in Buqayah (Peqiin) where he wrote his first play ART AND POLITICS (1976),  Moving to Haifa he worked in Al Nahidd Theater, and Hagefin Theater as an actor in leading roles.  He returned to his village to direct THE ROAD, by Palestinian poet Hussein Muhanna about the 1987 Palestinian Intifadah.  Founder of New Image Theater in Seattle, Washington, writing and directing world premiers among them: ABRAHAM’S LAND, THE LAND OF MILK AND HUMMUS, and BOSNIA-MOYA.  Also directed IRANIAN NIGHTS, by Howard Breton and Tariq Ali, MACBETH, by W. Shakespeare. SEEING DOUBLE by SFMT. TWO ROOMS by Lee Blessing. Collaborated with Ping Chong on UNDESIRABLE ELEMENTS at The Group Theater in Seattle.  In 1993 he returns home to create a docudrama about the internal Palestinian refugees in Israel and co-created SAHMATAH, MEMORY OF STONES with playwright Edward Mast.  It premiered in the US, toured Europe twice, and was running in Israel and Palestine for over 18 years.  He played “Ibrahim” in the US production of THE ADMISSION, by Motti Lerner, directed by Sinai Peter, and in the Hebrew production at Yafa Theater.  THE RETURN with Hebrew title OVED SHABBAT, co-wrote with Edward Mast, directed by Sinai Peter premiered at Almidan Theater in Haifa, then US premier at Mosaic Theater in Washington D.C. directed by John Vrekee.  Wrote and directed for Alhaneen Theater in Nazareth: AL-AM MATTA, (Matta’s World) and black comedy LOVE TUNNEL (co-wrote with Edward Mast) and currently running HAJJAR EL-ARAB (Hajjar, Bishop of all Arabs) and the new SAHMATA, UNDER THE PINE TREES.  In Seattle, once again started Dunya Productions premiering FLOOD with Jenna Eady, LETTERS FROM PALESTINE IN THE TIME OF COVID, and LOVED ONES, FAMILIES OF INCARCERATED WITH Edward mast.
Mr. Eady holds an MFA from the University of Washington School of Drama in Directing, and a BFA in Theater from the University of Wisconsin, where he trained with Joel Walker, and a BA in Social Work and Psychology from the University of Haifa. 


Edward Mast


Raymond Hill